zaterdag 5 januari 2013

Day 5 of 365 (10 min. late)

Vandaag heb ik gewerkt en de film Alexander gekeken met papa.

Dit gedichtje heb ik geschreven voor mijn zusje.

Whatever you do
Please don't look back
Because with what you say you're hurting me
What ever you do
Whatever you say
Words can be spilled
In the same hush
We're in a hurry and we forget the time
So stay for just a little longer
Words can be stilled
Whatever happens

But I want you to know,
that all I do is love you so
Because what ever you do
And whatever your say
It will be blown a way by the wind
Like a hiss
What ever happens,
You will always be
my little sis

I love you :)

I wrote this for my little sister.

Good night to all!
Less than three,

Grote zus

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