maandag 23 februari 2015

February 17 #howtobehappy2015 How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

That's the question for this week.. how old would I be if I didn't know how old I was..
And that quite frankly really interesting. Because I don't feel my age. And I'm not saying this to be cool or anything. But I just think that a lot has happened in my life so far that's not your average, I don't know, life, I guess.. I'm 21 now. I turned 21 the 15th of November.

The question is now of course.. what does define your age? Is it how you act .. or what you've experienced in life.. or what you've taken from those experiences .. ?

My boyfriend is 28, but talk a lot about how he still feels 23.. and how he would like to remain that age, although he is (sadly for him maybe) getting closer and closer to 30 everyday.. But is it really a number that defines you. Because I know people of 70 would can barely move and people who are 70 that still cycle 50 km every weekend.. So what defines your mental and physical age?
Because there is a difference as well.. I'm not a really sporty person, not at all actually.. so physically I wouldn't be much older, I guess..

I have this kind of .. I like to refer to is as 'complex' .. that when I'm in a room full of people who are roughly the same age as me, I instantly feel like I'm the youngest. I just automatically assume this. It's because of reasons that I'm not going into right now. But it's weird, isn't it? 

It actually happened. I was somewhere and we were like kind of getting to know each other and I, as I said, assume that I was the youngest (I was 18 at the time) and I was actually older than like 10 of the girls..
And I still think I'm younger than a few of them.. and now I look back, I think that is just attitude. 

Because when I was in that situation I wasn't going to talk about, people a little older than me would always tell me: 'Ohh, but you are only this-and-this age..' or 'Hannah is too young for this stuff.' And I felt older than my age said at that time.. And I was like: I have more life experience than some of you here. I could tell you stuff that would turn your precious little hearts up side down. (Okay, not soft serving here.. sorry bit dramatic ;) but hey, you get the gist)

These are interesting things to thing about, people.. What do you think? Have you any suggestions as to what could differentiate(is that eve a word?) your mental age from your actual age?

I think I'm going to settle on a sold 36 for the over all age.. if I was single/in a relationship (which I am, the last one) if I was to be married I would be older.. I think.. But that's for a whole other day.

Good thinking, guys.


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